Adding support for Webmentions

I’ve added Webmention support to the posts on this blog.

Webmentions are a method for websites to know that they’ve been linked to (or mentioned) from elsewhere on the web.

Webmention is a web standard for mentions and conversations across the web, a powerful building block that is used for a growing federated network of comments, likes, reposts, and other rich interactions across the decentralized social web.

When you link to a website, you can send it a Webmention to notify it. If it supports Webmentions, then that website may display your post as a comment, like, or other response, and presto, you’re having a conversation from one site to another!

It depends on a couple of things being in place for it all to work, but I’ve implemented the basics to fetch and display any mentions that have been detected by the service.

I have already been using Github Issues-powered commenting for the past couple of years, so I took the time to consolidate comments and Webmentions in to a single chunk of “interactions” functionality to fetch, cache, and render any comments or Webmentions. This is all done with native JS and could probably be improved further with a framework like Vue.js, but it works fine for now.

I’m using to recieve Webmentions from Twitter and Reddit interactions via — this will mean that if somebody shares/likes/retweets a link to one of my blog posts on either platform it will display that here below the post.

I’m using and IFTTT to automatically try and send webmentions to sites I link to from within my posts.

As you can see it’s a bit complicated, and it feels like it’s held together with duct tape in places, but for now it works!

Lots of others have written about how they’ve implemented Webmentions on their sites, and these write-ups were really useful when arriving at my own implementation.

So to share the love, here are some links to those posts:

And that’s about it really. I’ll be tweeting a link to this post once it’s published and then any replies or likes will hopefully appear at the bottom of the page.


Want to comment? You can do so via Github.
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Want to reply? I've hooked up Webmentions, so give it a go!