The material component defines the appearance of an entity. The built-in shaders allow us to define properties such as color, opacity, or textures.
Here is an example defining a red material using the default “standard” shading model:
geometry="primitive: box"
material="color: red"
Here is an example of using the “flat” built-in shading model:
geometry="primitive: box"
material="shader: flat; color: red"
You can also specify the opacity
of the material.
geometry="primitive: box"
material="color: red; opacity: .5"
You can apply textures that you’ve specified in your <a-assets>
like this:
geometry="primitive: box"
material="src: #texture1"
If you’re using textures with alpha transparency, you can tell A-Frame to render these after everything else so that the transparency works:
geometry="primitive: box"
material="src: #texture1; transparent: true"