20 Minutes into the Future with Google Cardboard and JavaScript
I gave this talk at JS Oxford in November 2015. The talk is about using JavaScript and various web APIs to create Google Cardboard experiences.

You can view the slides online here, navigate the slides by clicking or with your arrow keys.

I wrote the slideshow framework from scratch for the talk, using marked.js, three.js and some custom JavaScript.

To accompany the talk I also created some demos, these can be viewed online on blog.omgmog.net/jscard.xyz. These are best viewed in Chrome on an Android device, but should work alright in Chrome on Mac/Windows too.
To present the demos live, using an actual device, I used the Chrome extension/Android application Vysor. This allows you to stream your phone’s screen over USB (via ADB), and it works really well.
Besides thinking about how to create Google Cardboard experiences using JavaScript, I’ve also been collecting resources about the UI/UX of VR, which I’ve put together as a useful list.
You can find out more about the UI/UX in VR list here.